Sunday, August 5, 2012

In the mood to share.

This story will not be new to many of you. I originally wrote it as a note on facebook. It is an accounting of one of the most interesting and intense connections I have had in my life... no no it is THE most interesting and intense (so far). I am feeling nostalgic and felt like sharing.

Once upon a time there was a girl. She grew up in a bleak darkness. An empty hollow world full of chaos and anger. When she was 15 she met a boy. He too was lost and confused. They met in school. The day they met was just another day. Nothing special. Friend of a friend, nice to meet you. Then they started to talk one on one. Short calls, stopping by and so forth. The calls grew longer. More frequent. Deeper. Then came the night that changed everything. The girl had some issues at home and an opportunity to sleep over at the boys house came up... so she did. They talked all night until the sun came up. Suddenly the world was different.

They were consumed with the idea of each other. They talked constantly. Joined at the hip. Best friends. They went from being friend of a friend... to being neck deep in the most energetic exciting friendship in their young lives. The intensity was palpable to everyone around them. But you see this was not a romantic relationship. The boy loved the girl and the girl loved the boy. But he was gay. Their love was deep and affectionate and strictly platonic. What came out of their great affair was magic.

During this friendship jealousy rose and fell in others around them. He was like the sun, people were drawn to him and the light he radiated. She had her moments as well, waxing and waning like the moon. The two of them danced a delicate dance of entertainment, insight, vision, and healing. Colored red and black by those who witnessed the event.

There were great grand adventures, some of which will always be held dear.

Alas, rarely does anything this wonderful last forever. Life happened and the girl was swallowed whole by the darkness of her life. She had to escape to a far away land. The boy did not disappear from her life. They spoke and wrote constantly. Time marches on. When the girl came back to visit, she discovered that life had swallowed the boy whole. Not into darkness... but he was not the same. Or maybe he was and she was not. Whatever the case... over the next year they drifted farther apart. One day back in her far away land the girl realized the boy was gone. He was not coming back. A twinge of regret washed over her and then nothing. Things had run their course and they had both grown from it.

These two dark lost souls learned from each other. They gained confidence from each other. They discovered in the darkness who they were as people. Nobody wants to suffer alone. Everyone suffers uniquely. Once in awhile two people who are both suffering find each other. They help each other. Together they find their way. That is what happened to the girl and the boy. Together they broke free from the darkness and became better people.

This journey was long and hard. People don't change over night. Other people came and went. Spinning in and out of their lives. Time and distance eventually ended this magical affair of the mind and soul.

Even today the girl looks back and remembers the quiet intensity that freed her from the darkness. She wonders where the boy is. She wonders if he is still lost. She wonders if there will ever be another story in her life and beautiful as this story of the girl and the boy.

Well there you have it folks... hot off the presses so to speak. Out of respect for the people from the story... if you do know who the boy is keep it to yourself... if you were one of the people who spun in and out of the story and for one reason or another saw things differently... I don't care!!! This is my story... this is how I felt about the happenings...

That is the story as I had posted it. I have not closed the book on this one. I still feel like the boy is a lose end flapping in the wind for me. I know that if I really set my mind to it, I could find him. I am certain I just need to talk to him and ensure all is well... That he did in fact survive. Unfortunately my story here is a deeper more jagged mess than I would like to admit. Someday I will allow myself to heal from this. Someday.

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